Let’s Celebrate the Pollinators

Bees looking for a new home

We started our business using honey as our only sweetener in hopes we could support beekeepers to continue the really hard task of raising honey bees and the reward was a naturally sweetened product that is right out of the Sonaron Desert!

Not only do we enjoy the honey the bees share with us, but also the pollination. Honey bees perform about 80 percent of all pollination worldwide. A single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day.  Fruits, nuts, and vegetables are pollinated by bees. "Seventy out of the top 100 human food crops, which supply about 90 percent of the world's nutrition, are pollinated by bees." -Green Peace 

A few of the crops that only honey bees pollinate are Quince, Lemon, Lime.







Colony Collapse Disorder

We are often asked about Colony Collapse Disorder and causes. The beekeepers we work with have not had this problem here in the Sonoran Desert. Though studies are continuing on this very subject and Harvard has completed a study linking neonicotinoids and Colony Collapse Disorder. We at Untamed Confections support organic production and treatment of produce and feel this will make a difference in our health and the overall health of our planet.

For more info on this the EPA has new regulations protecting bees and other pollinators. Also our own Desert Museum has a Pollinator Conservation Project.

So, read, research, educate, donate and join this week an organization that supports pollinators!

Honey bees are just one of the many pollinators that support our eco-system we have included some of the pollinators below and guess what? Look who is on the list.

Pollinator pic.jpg

There are many types of pollinators.

So, let’s celebrate today, we deserve it! Let’s work together on supporting our beautiful diverse planet!

For more info check out our other blogs!