Gluten Free Breakfast Cookie Recipe

Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies


Who said you can't have cookies for breakfast? This recipe is going to teach you how to make delicious and healthy cookies that are going to give you all the energy that you need for the day!

We lead busy lives and this is a great way to get some quick and nutritious energy when you are rushing out the door in the morning.

Our Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey and Arizona Bee Pollen are ingredients that can be used in so many ways so you'll always find a new recipe to use them and enjoy all their benefits.

Here is a delicious recipe full of antioxidants!


⦁ 1 1/2 cups of organic rolled oats

⦁ 1/2 cup of Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey

⦁ 1 organic banana

⦁ 1/2 cup of organic raw peanuts, chopped (or nut of choice)

⦁ 4 tbsp of organic cocoa powder

⦁ 2 tbsp of finely chopped organic Midnight Gold Chocolate Bar

⦁ 1 tbsp of Arizona Bee Pollen

⦁ A pinch of sea salt


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Using a fork or food processor cream the banana. Add it in a large bowl.

3. Incorporate in the bowl the Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey, Arizona Bee Pollen and pinch of sea salt. Stir to combine with the banana.

4. Sift in the organic cocoa powder to the bowl. It is important to sift it to avoid large lumps of cocoa into the mixture.

5. Using a spatula or a spoon, fold in the organic cocoa powder to combine.

6. Add the organic rolled oats, chopped nuts and chopped chocolate. Stir again.

7. Line a 9x9 inch pan using parchment paper.

8. Spread the cookie mixture into the pan and use the spatula or the back of a spoon to get an even layer.

9. Bake for 20 minutes.

10. Take the pan out of the oven; let it cool down.

11. Using cookie cutters or a sharp knife, cut the cookies in your favorite shape!

12. Store them in a glass jar, preferably.