Untamed Confections

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Gluten Free Strawberry Heaven

Gluten-Free Strawberry Pound Cake

Who is ready to bake the perfect gluten-free strawberry pound cake? This is my favorite kind of cake to eat with a large cup of tea or coffee; perfect for a Sunday brunch snack.

The best part of this cake is that we are going to use our Sonoran Desert Honey and fresh strawberries to sweeten it!

Natural ingredients, gluten-free, easy to bake, and certainly delicious. If you want to add some extra flavor I recommend incorporating pieces of our Organic 72% Dark Chocolate Bars into the batter. What goes better with strawberries than chocolate!



For the pound cake please use organic ingredients if possible.

  • 1 cup of butter, room temperature

  • 1 cup of superfine rice flour

  • 1/2 cup of potato starch

  • 1/4 cup of Tapioca Flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum

  • ½ cup of Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey

  • 4 eggs, large organic free-range

  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries, chopped

  • A pinch of salt

  • 1 teaspoon organic vanilla

For the glaze:


For the cake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 325º F.

  2. In a large bowl, add softened butter and Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey, whisk them together until pale. You can liquefy the honey by heating the jar in water at a low temp before adding it to the mix.  Just make sure it is at room temperature before adding.

  3. Incorporate eggs and salt and vanilla; using an electric mixer, into the butter and honey mixture, you need a light and fluffy consistency.

  4. Sift into a bowl the rice flour, potato starch, tapioca flour, and xanthan gum. Fold them into the batter, don’t over mix.

  5. In another bowl, smash your fresh strawberries with honey to taste. In a pan on the stovetop cook stirring constantly until it a jam consistency.

  6. Lightly butter a loaf pan and add parchment to the bottom. Pour half of the batter into the pan. If you don’t have a loaf pan, I recommend using a regular round pan.  

  7. Swirl the strawberry jam over the batter and then add the remaining batter.

  8. Bake for 30 minutes or until you can insert a toothpick in the middle and it comes out clean.

  9. Let it cool down before adding the glaze.

For the glaze:

  1.  With an electric mixer slowly whip the coconut cream until it starts to add peaks and slowly add the Sonoran Desert Wildflower Honey.

  2. Chop the strawberries into small pieces and drain off any excess liquid.

  3. Combine the strawberries into the coconut cream mixture along with the vanilla extract and cover the cooled pound cake with the strawberry glaze. You can add a drizzle of the strawberry jam to top it off.

  4. Place the pound cake in the refrigerator until the glaze sets.